
Some stuff from monitor to his group and just some stuff by him %)

среда, января 24, 2007


Yeath.. I'm happy. I have apply to scholarship of "Hight Imperial Technical School"* Club some weeks ago and have passed interlocution yesterday. Today I was informed that I won competition (1:4..6) and will get it :D Don't know yet during witch period I will get it (ones, half of year, year).

* - former name of my university.

he he.... I was victim of strange and unpleasant joke by pro-rector deputy. I'm not in the list of students who will get scholarship :| heh.. let it be


At января 24, 2007, Blogger Una said...

Yay! Congratulations :o)

At января 25, 2007, Blogger Una said...

What? What kind of a joke is that! Brrr... :o(

At января 26, 2007, Blogger DEXter said...

А кто у нас проректор?! имя? разберемся))

At января 27, 2007, Blogger MADjaHEAD said...

Awful evil 'joke'.
And name of that bad guy is Solov'ev Alexandr Ivanovi4. Вот хвосты cдай, а потом будешь разбиратся :P


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