How to creat heap
Вы, наверное, помните такую старенькую забаву, как "делай раз, делай два, делай три" и пред нами предстаёт трёхэтажное сооружение из людей, символизирующее ... атомный ледоколо "Ленин". Вспомнили? Так вот вашему вниманию представляеться небольшое руководство по созданию кучи от группы МТ3. Всё просто и сейчас вы в этом убедитесь:
Probably not only in Russia was described later activity and you will fully understand this.
There were such several-spep performances then ruler speaking eg: "make one, make two, make three and wou-lya here you can see brave captain flying to the moon". And at the stage you waching people fig. one, then it converitng to the second and to the abstract last describet like "brave captain...".
Fuf... Unsure with result of my try to describe portray that video.
Hmm I am sorry to say that I am also unsure with the result of your description of this video.. at least I did not understand :( But other than that, haha! Crazy Russians...
By the way, regarding language, both versions sounded the same to me ;op
Don't worry about language - there is only one sentence with sense: Afonya! You are the best! =)
Afonya THE BEST!!!!
))))давайте, позорьте меня на мировом уровне... суки))
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